Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Rosary Run: 03/29/2008

Mission Statement
What is a Rosary Run?

Motorcyclists in Christ, it is my pleasure to announce our first Rosary Run of 2008 to The Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation at Carey, Ohio.

What a truly holy place! As stated on the Basilica's web site, "Since 1875, countless pilgrims have journeyed to the Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, Ohio, to offer prayers of thanks and to confide their needs to the Mother of God as Mary, Consoler of the Afflicted."

Join us for Mass at St. Agatha Church on Northam Road in Upper Arlington at 8:30 AM, Saturday, March 29. After Mass, we will review group riding rules, pray for the riders, and go! Email to The Catholic Motorcyclist with your contact information to sign up...or just show up on the day of the ride!

To view the ride plan, visit Rosary Run 2008-A or email to The Catholic Motorcyclist for a PDF version of the plan.

Please visit the Basilica's web site at Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation.

If you are new to group riding, please review these Quick Tips from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.

More details will follow, so visit this blog often.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. - 2 Corinthians 13.14

Click this link to send an email to The Catholic Motorcyclist

Sunday, January 20, 2008

What is a "Rosary Run"?

Mission Statement
Register for Our First Rosary Run of 2008!

The Rosary Run is a group motorcycle ride to an historic Catholic church or shrine. Upon arrival, we pray the Rosary and spend some silent time in prayer and adoration.
We explore the site, photograph its architecture, and learn its history.

Where can you find a Rosary Run?
The Catholic Motorcyclist lives in Columbus, Ohio. So, Rosary Runs begin and end at parishes within the Diocese of Columbus, with pastoral permission of course! Rosary Runs usually occur on Saturdays, begin after morning Mass, and conclude around dinner time (4:00 or 5:00 in the afternoon).

The Pace
We see every type of bike at the Rosary Run: Buell, Honda, H-D, BMW, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Triumph, KTM, you name it! There are adventure bikes, street fighters, cruisers, and sport bikes; vtwins and IL4's. Christian fellowship draws us together, not brands or types or bling. Group riders of all skill levels are welcome. The pace is relaxed. Safety is priority one. Our goal is to return home safely, energized and spiritually refreshed.

Of course there's food! Before starting for home, we enjoy lunch at a restaurant selected for its "motorcyclist friendly" attitude and unique cuisine.

Register for Our First Rosary Run of 2008!

More Information

The first Rosary Run of 2008 is scheduled for March 29. Visit this blog in February for details.

To learn more, please email to


May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. - 2 Corinthians 13.14

Click this link to send an email to The Catholic Motorcyclist

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Welcome to The Catholic Motorcyclist

Register for Our First Rosary Run of 2008!

Mission Statement

Why do we need The Catholic Motorcyclist?

Catholic motorcyclists deserve the fellowship of riders who embrace a culture of life in and through our gracious Lord Jesus, His loving Father, and the Holy Spirit. We motorcyclists have a unique perspective of God's work as we ride the wind. Through the action of the Holy Spirit, when we ride in the presence and knowledge of God, how much greater is our enjoyment of the adventure!

Aren't you tired of all those "Biker" stereotypes of death, destruction, mayhem, skulls and crossbones? Wouldn't you prefer to ride in God's true freedom? Wouldn't it be cool to share your experiences with other motorcyclists who happen to be Catholic?

If you are Catholic, are interested in Catholicism, or share in the values of our Christian faith, welcome! The Catholic Motorcyclist will be arranging events in the Central Ohio area beginning in Spring, 2008. Our first "Rosary Run" will be held in March. Return often to this BLOG for details!

Oh... for the record, I, The Catholic Motorcyclist, am a simple layman (devout type). Comments within this blog represent my understanding of the Roman Catholic faith at this point in my journey toward Christ, who lives and reigns in union with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. My comments do not necessarily represent the views of the magisterium or the official positions of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.